Thursday, April 26, 2012

Mitochondrial Eve

The fascinating thing about genetics is that although there is a multiplicity of diversity, everyone carries within them a little bit of an exact replica of their mother. This little piece of unoriginality exists a a part of the mitochondrial DNA. This particular genetic material has allowed scientists to be able to trace all genetic material bak to a proposed original copy. Mitochondrial Eve is the hypothesized mother of modern humanity. Scientists were able to figure out that all of man's diversity, whether skin color, hair characteristics, or even facial features could indeed arise from a one set of genes. This thought is humbling when one looks at another person that they consider "different" then him/herself. If we all are just variations of an original concept, than are we really all that much different from each other?

Animals, Right?

AKA: People for the Ethical Treatment Animals
AKA: People Eating Tasty Animals
However, you want to see it, people definitely have their views of how they feel animals should be treated. When it comes to animal testing, in particular,  people can enter extremely heated debates. I agree with the fact that animals should not be cruelly treated or taken advantage of, but the very definition of cruel treatment is hard to define. What may seem cruel to Paris Hilton is absolutely an invaluable practice to a researcher working on discovering a virus that could be the answer to finding a cure for cancer. Although many people are completely against the use of animal testing, I guarantee that they would change many of their views if the life of a loved one were at stake and the only way to save that person were at the cost of caged bunny.